Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pukulan Serak with Guru Rod

Pukulan Serak®. The 101 lessons from the system of Pencak Silat Serak®.
The Pukulan also known as “Tendjekan” the older language and Tonjokan in the new accepted Behasa Indonesia. Tonjokan meaning “to hit with the fist”
The word Pukulan in itself use to be a slang word.

Here in the USA as well as in Holland Pukulan Serak practiced. The main westerner in the Early 1900 came to know the students of the Founder Pak Serak® (nickname).
Johan de Vries, grandfather of Victor de Thouars learned the system of Serak® and also introduced nephews, John, Ernes and Ferdinand de Vries. Johan taught his oldest son Vondel de Vries and several of his daughters. When Johan de Vries passed away around 1913, his children came to live with a Christian Missionary “Pa van der Stuer”. Much to thank for, for this man.

In the following photos, the Current Legal Serak® Lineage holder Guru Horacio Rodriguez, teaching the system of Serak. It is uncanny that many claim to know the system of Serak®, but fall short in the knowledge of the full system of Serak®, and hang on the tail of the name of Serak®.

Here we have ---------------------


Pukulan Sera by GuruSera Rod USA

Here theCurrent Legal Inheritor of the System of Serak(R) Horacio Rodriguez in Photo One sits with his teacher, Victor de Thouars, who turned the lead over to Guru Rodriguez. In Photo two, there is Ibu Jane, wife from Victor de Thouars and behind standing is Lucian Tabares. In Photo Three Behind Ibu jane, Victor de Thouars and Horacio is Adrian Williams. In Photo four, Guru Bernard Langan is standing behind. In the Family Photo, Vivian sister of Horacio.